Agroganadera La Huella – Cattle Breeding in the Heart of South America

Species-appropriate Husbandry on Extensive Pastures. Many Years of Breeding Experience. Modern Production Processes. Excellent Meat Quality.

Directly to the farm

From the Idea to Production – Our Business Model

Under European and Paraguayan management, Agroganadera La Huella operates a cattle breeding and fattening operation with around 45,000 animals on its own farm and on leased land. The focus is on sustainable and species-appropriate production processes. Our farms are certified for export to the most demanding markets in the world.


Our Farm in the Vastness of the Gran Chaco

In the heart of Paraguay, in the midst of dry forests and thorn bush savannahs, lies our farm La Huella – a green island of fresh pasture grass without connection to the electricity and water network. Animals, farm and staff are supplied with solar energy and rainwater collected from large areas.

The farm

Extensive Livestock Farming – Our Cattle Live on Large Areas Under the Open Sky – all Year Round

Our cattle live all year round in the wild and feed on tropical pastures. The methodical and calculated rotation of the animals between the grazing sections ensures an even growth of the pastures and thus protects the grazing land. Systematic maintenance is carried out on the pastures every three to four years, ensuring a sustainable supply of fodder. No antibiotics or hormones are used in the production process.

Our cattle

High Quality Genetics Suitable for the Chaco

Our production is concentrated on hybrid breeds: By crossing the European Angus breed with the hardy Brahman breed adapted to the Cahqueño environment, the robust Brangus breed has been created. These animals are excellently adapted to the local climatic conditions and provide high quality meat.

Cattle breed

Employee-oriented Farm Management – in the Chaco and in Asunción

At La Huella, Paraguayan and European specialists work together.

Our operational administration, centralised at “Estancia La Huella”, manages the agronomic processes of all farms in the Chaco. The employees and their families live on the farm. We encourage the continuous training of our employees and the integration of women through localised employment opportunities. We have implemented various programmes to ensure that all children attend school.

The company's headquarters and administration are located in Asunción, the capital of Paraguay. From here, we co-ordinate the supply of the ranch and our employees, and carry out all administrative, financial, accounting and logistical processes.

Social Responsibility

Harmonious Coexistence of Livestock, Flora and Fauna

During the development of the footprint from 2010 to 2016, all requirements and conditions demanded by the UN-REDD+ (United Nations Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation) programme have been taken into account. The operation of the land holding is continuously monitored and certified every two years by the Paraguayan Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development. Only half of the total area is used for grazing, leaving the rest as a nature reserve.

Through cooperation with the Wildlife Conservation Society (New York) and the United States Agency for International Development (UNDP), La Huella contributes to the protection and promotion of native fauna and biodiversity.

Special emphasis is given to the protection of pumas and jaguars and their coexistence with our cattle herds.

Ecological Responsibility